
Morning sickness during menopause?

Hello to all Fabulous Menopause Ladies,

I hope you have had a nice summer so far – here in Spain we have the feeling it just won’t end – it is and will be very hot for the time being.

This year we decided to go camping just around the corner – a beautiful campsite just by the sea. On the last day, when we had to pack everything, my menopause had another of its dubious surprises in store for me: shortly after waking up, I was overcome by an incredible nausea that I had rarely experienced before. There was also a headache. How strange, I thought, what’s that supposed to mean? I felt hungry and sick at the same time. However, the only thing I could eat was stale bread, and even that was an effort. After 1 hour, the queasy feeling slowly subsided and became more bearable – but subliminally lasted the whole day.

The game repeated itself the next morning, albeit less intensely and I still have it every morning.

I had read some time ago that hormone fluctuations can cause this nausea, similar to the first months of pregnancy – and yet it hit me completely unexpectedly.

The reason for this is obvious: it is the falling hormone levels. Above all, experts attribute a direct effect on the entire digestive tract to the falling progesterone level. This causes some women to feel nauseous, especially in the morning. It can only be a slightly nauseous feeling, but some women are feeling very sick. In addition, they are often more sensitive to odors than they used to be. Bloating can also occur. Those affected usually do not have to vomit – this is different from pregnancy.

The hormonal change also affects the composition of the bile. Fat can no longer be digested as well. This puts more strain on the liver and can promote morning sickness. Stress and fatigue act as additional amplifiers. These symptoms usually occur at the beginning of menopause. After menopause, i.e. the last menstrual period, they gradually weaken and then stop completely.

Effective Countermeasures

You can change nothing about the hormonal fluctuations, but adapting your diet can do a lot to combat nausea. In order to relieve the liver, it is advisable to consume fewer fats. Above all, you should reduce animal fats from meat and sausages. Raw food is healthy, but it puts a strain on the digestive tract. Affected women should avoid it, especially in the evening. Ideally, you try to have light and early dinners. Chicken or fish, steamed vegetables and potatoes, a homemade broth or a veggie soup are just right. Avoid spicy foods, too. Especially to improve fat digestion, you can drink a small glass of artichoke juice after dinner. Carbonic acid, which is found in many beverages, irritates the digestive tract, which is why it is better to avoid such drinks. The same goes for caffeine and alcohol.

Because stress often increases morning sickness, it is worth taking countermeasures here as well. You should take a break after a hectic day. This can be a relaxing bath, a short break on the sofa with nice music or a short walk. Exercise is an excellent choice anyway – and ensures a reduction in stress hormones in the body. Learning a relaxation technique such as autogenic training, yoga or meditation is also highly recommended.

Quick help in an emergency

If the nausea is there, a ginger tea will bring relief. To do this, peel a piece of ginger the size of your thumbnail, cut into two or three pieces, pour 250 ml of boiling water over it in a cup and leave to stand for 10 minutes. Strain and drink in sips. Peppermint and chamomile tea also have a beneficial effect.

It also helps many women to chew a piece of dry bread very slowly. It is best to do this in bed before getting up so that the stomach is soothed. If the nausea is accompanied by heartburn, nibbling on almonds has proven itself.

Try acupressure

The Pericardium 6 acupuncture point is considered the “master point against nausea”. Pressing it slightly, you help your body to relax and open the diaphragm, relieving nausea and vomiting. This is a quick and effective way when you are feeling nauseous:

1. Place your thumb on the crease of your wrist, about two thumbs wide below the wrist towards the elbow.

2. This is where the Pericardium 6 should be located. Feel the area – the spot may be a little tender and slightly painful. However, the pressure should not hurt too much.

3. Now press slightly on the spot with the tip of your index finger for 3 to 4 minutes.

4. After that, the nausea should go away!

In the case of pronounced nausea and, above all, frequent vomiting, you should always consult the family doctor or gynecologist. She can clarify whether the symptoms might have another cause.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Many women with severe menopausal symptoms take hormone replacement therapy. A possible side effect may be nausea. It is particularly common in the first few months of treatment. If the symptoms are severe, a visit to the gynecologist is advisable. The dose may need to be adjusted. It may also be necessary to switch to a different remedy. If none of this helps, the replacement therapy may have to be stopped altogether.

In my case, a cup of ginger tea, right after getting out of bed, seems to work. I also try to have light dinners and not after 9pm.

I hope I could help you with this information.

Take care!

Yours, Tara

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